Installation now supports verification of Reforged pre-purchase or legacy keys.

Legacy keys and Reforged Pre-purchase support. Playing a ladder match and then a custom game no longer desyncs.Blizzard maps included with game install will always cloud download.Some maps cause desync on game start (we’ve added tracking for maps that cause the issue).Refreshes of the custom games list no longer causes crashes.Some prior hosting bots used to half this time by default only measuring the time from the server to client. In game latency is measured as the total time it takes a request to go from the server to the client, through the client processing queue and back to the server.We will be deploying a server fix to address this later today.One team maps cant be played due to client validation.Reverted change to way desyncs are checked in 1.30.2 to help reduce likelihood of false desyncs.